hurmm..agk lma x update my blog ni kn..
dh kata dh..msti awl2 je smgt..skrg dh stat mls..haha
s0,ble dh lma x update..byk ler story i nk share ngn u all..
actually,last week..aku g SBE(school based experience) kat SK KEPALA BATAS..
mmg ni la SBE yg aku rs plg dasat..huhu
mn x nye..students nye..aduhh..smpi x tau la cmna ceq nk dscribe..huhu
kbetulan..time ktorg SBE kat ctu,rmai lak tchers yg xde..s0,pe lg..
jd bidan trjun la ktorg..msok klas..x ngajo pn..just wat assgnmnts ktorg..
yg xleh thn la dak2 ni yg bleh lak serang aku..tarik2 bju ngn tdung aku..

"ckgu..cntik la tudung ckgu!!!"
"ckgu,nk tgk nametag!!"
" hobi ckgu??"

ni la antara soaln n kata2 yg dituju kat aku...nek poning den nk mlayan nye..
pastu yg plg xleh blah nye..ble nk kuar klas jer..
mula laa..berpusu2 dtg bwk pen ngn krtas..

"ckgu..nk no fon!!!"
"ckgu,nk sign ckgu!!!"
"ckgu..ckgu de facebook x???"

wahhh..korg bygkn la..kcik2 dh pndai men fb,dh de enfon sndri..huhhh..
dasat tol dak2 zmn skrg kn..huhuhu
zmn kte dlu..jgn kata enpon..comp pn blom tntu ade kat umah..
jeleshh tol aku ngn dak2 skrg..

n 1 more thing yg plg bes ms kat sn..
ktorg dh disuruh mnjadi penceramah motivasi "x brtauliah" kat sna!!!
hahaha..ada pcaya???aku sndri pn x caya aku dh bg motivasi kat org..heheh
mmg lwk laa..cube korg imagine..w/out any preparation..ktorg kne bg motvasi kat cndidates UPSR skul tuh..huhh..agk mnggelabah aym gak la aku..huhuhu
but still..SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH..everything went smoothly..
even de gak sikit2 la prob..but we still managed to handle them..

lastly,thanks to all the teachers n students yg bg krjasama pd ktorg spnjg ktorg kat sna..
really appreciate da cooperation yg u guys gave to us..
hope we can meet again in da future..
i love SK KEPALA BATAS!!! (^_-)


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Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
just an ordinary person..who love ALLAH,RASULLULLAH,ABAH,MAMA,MY FAMILY,MY TRUE FRIENDS, n last but not least..MY BABY~~ (^_-)


my beloved family..^_^

my beloved family..^_^
luv my fmly till the end of my life...

my honey bee..^_^

my honey bee..^_^
together forever...insyaAllah..


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

my cayunkness..^_^

my cayunkness..^_^
kekasih gelapku...=P

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its all bout my life..this bloggie is the only place i can be true and honest to myself and u guys too..

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