Dygta feat Nita - Berpisah

perlu ke aku berpisah ngan si dia???tp klau hati dh x gembira..tuk ape nk truskn lg..klau cuma tuk sakitkan ati masing2 kn..hurmmm..tp aku confused sgt3..aku nk dia lpas aku..but at the same time..aku sdey klau kne brpisah ngan dia..tah laa..i really2 dunno wat to do..but y must this happen just after 3yrs n 4months we had been together...knape la x dr dlu aku sdar yg aku ngn dia mmg xleh go on..=(


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Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
just an ordinary person..who love ALLAH,RASULLULLAH,ABAH,MAMA,MY FAMILY,MY TRUE FRIENDS, n last but not least..MY BABY~~ (^_-)


my beloved family..^_^

my beloved family..^_^
luv my fmly till the end of my life...

my honey bee..^_^

my honey bee..^_^
together forever...insyaAllah..


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

my cayunkness..^_^

my cayunkness..^_^
kekasih gelapku...=P

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its all bout my life..this bloggie is the only place i can be true and honest to myself and u guys too..

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