hurm..msti u all pelik kn nape tetiba arini nk cte psl fmly angkt my ma angkt call..actually fmly angkt ni aku dpt ms program Bina Insan Guru..dlm bln 6 ritu rsnye..after abis progrm ank angkt tu..mmg aku jrg blk sn dh..skali je..tu pn g rmai2..aftr that mmg x gi lngsg dh..msti korg kata aku ni ank x knang budi kn..aku rs dyorg pn rs cmtu gak..huhuh..

n ble my ma call td..mmg trgagap la sore sy..huhuh..srba slh..n rs bslh..dy tnya dh lupa ke org kat sn..soriiii sesgt ma..bkn sy lupa fmly sn..just sy sgan laa..ntah laa..aku bkn jnis yg pramah sgt..even ble gi sn aku xtau pn nk smbg pe ngn dyorg..dh la yg sm2 jd ank angkt ngn aku k.hana sorg je..dy pn cm mls je nk blk sn..s0,aku mkin sgan laa..coz xde org tman..

my ma de gak wat bbrpa statement yg agk pdas tuk aku..huhuh..

"org kat cni tringin nk rs kuih org x blk2 pn..msti dh lupa org kat cni kn.."
"x tnya khabar kite lngsg..dh lupa ke.."

hadoiiii...mmg aku cuma mmpu ktawa je la sgtttttt brslh...soriiiiiiiiii my kg. dendang fmly..seriously..korg mmg fmly yg baik..cuma aku x pndi hrgai fmly angkt aku..hurmmm...i'll try to visit korg nxt yr ok..hopefully jd laa..heeheh..erm,k laa..thats all for today..daaa~~~


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Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
just an ordinary person..who love ALLAH,RASULLULLAH,ABAH,MAMA,MY FAMILY,MY TRUE FRIENDS, n last but not least..MY BABY~~ (^_-)


my beloved family..^_^

my beloved family..^_^
luv my fmly till the end of my life...

my honey bee..^_^

my honey bee..^_^
together forever...insyaAllah..


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my cayunkness..^_^

my cayunkness..^_^
kekasih gelapku...=P

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its all bout my life..this bloggie is the only place i can be true and honest to myself and u guys too..

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