hadoiiii..after i woke up just now..trus bukak my fb..then i read sum msg in my inbox..from our mr. YDP laa..amar sauti..he said that our result will be announced in 2 weeks time..huhhhh...
its like a nightmare for me..to wait for da result..this semester had been da toughest one for me act..all da things i did..sume nye messed up..xde yg mnjadi..even my assignmnts were all like hancusss..i dunnno y..but everything i did this sem just didnt go very well..hurmmm..
as for the final exm..i just have a bad feelng bout my result..coz i noe i didnt do well..esp for da killer paper CALCULUS...i didnt even finish answering all ques..my head just went blank..all of the ques really looked unfamiliar to me..n even da easiest one..i got it wrong!!!!thats y i said everythng was not going well for me!!!huhhh..
but the thing that maked me felt really hurt was when nobody trust wat i said..when i told them that i cant answred the ques..they all just like laughing to me..they said im just being POYO,DRAMA QUEEN n watsoever!!!!heyyy!!!!!!plsssss laaa...i noe where my limit is..i just wanna share my feelng with u guys..but is this how u guys treat me back??????im not a "HIPOKARAT" like that sum1..when i said i cant do it..it meant i really CANT DO IT!!!cant u guys just comfort me back??y must all of u said those hurtful words to me??
ahhhh..cam dh lari tjuk lak ni..title for this post is result..but i just mrepek bout sumting else rite??huhhu..sorii coz u guys need to read all of this karut marut..huhuh..ok3..back to the topic..s0,i hope u guys will pray for my success...i noe u will rite???hehe..ermm..i will inform u guys bout my results when they y out later k..huishhh..brdebar2 ni...k laa guys..thats all for today k..^_^
Best husband ever
8 years ago
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