sgt3 hepiiiiiiii!!!!this sunday brsamaan 2 JANUARI 2011..ktorg diberi cuti!!public holiday!!ni smua brkat usaha n titik peluh our footballers..thank u so0ooo muchh to u guys!!!sbb korg dpt la aku mrase dok umah lbey sehari..hehehe..really proud with our malaysian team!! ^_^

n starting from today..i will be one of da malysian team supporters @ fan..heheh..i'll be following all of ur matches in da future~~~

thank u guys!!!~~


hurm..lama x update blog..buzy cket mggu ni..tman my parent cr brg wedding my bro..buzy tman je laa..hehehe..ok..back to da topic..korg msti plik kn..apsal aku tulis nm mamat ni kat tjuk ats..sume of u msti de yg x knal..klau korg bkn antu bola msia,biar aku share ngn korg..psl dy ni..

fyi,he is da only malaysian goalkeeper yg bjaya tarik prhatian other words..wat aku jatuh ati laa...hahaha..but lps google psl dy..i found out yg dy ni actually dh de awek dh pn.(sori to his gf for falling in love with ur boy..huhuhu~~)

so sweet awek dy ni..n cute,mmg xde chance dh laa..haha..n i really need to say this to her..u r so lucky miss aimie harmelia!!!for having such a great person as ur so jelous of u..hihihih..but, i really mean it..he had shown such a great performance dlm final aff suzuki cup td..n i think he is da one who bring da victory to our country..w/out him..malaysian team xkn dpt bthn..he rally did a good job!!n his mental pn sgt kuat..if i were him..i dun think i can be calm..with da sorakan mat2 indon yg gila2 tuh..mmg bleh wat ktaq bdn laa..hehehe..

facebook..sorii yerr..amik tnpa kbenaran..huhuh

(u both look so sweet together!!!)


p/s: to miss aimie harmiela..klau u ade bc post ni...tlg send my regard to ur bf a fan only..heheh..jgn mara yerr..^_^

link to his girlfriend blog---> MISS AIMIE HARMELIA

Catch Korean Pop Stars live in Malaysia!!!

if u r a K-POP fan or die-hard-fan of BEAST, G-NA n 4MNUTE..check out this link!!!~~

ChurpChurp | Social Share » Catch Korean Pop Stars live in Malaysia! (Preview)


arini..bgn2 trus bc 1 msg from my baby..he just told sumting yg sgt2 mrentap jiwa ragaku..actually..be4 this i asked him to get some news bout our results from our lecturer..sbb dy kamceng ngn sorg kcturer math ktorg ni..n wat he had just told me btol2 akn wat aku xleh tdo mlm lgsg till da result comes out..our lecturer ckp de 2 org FAIL paper CALCULUS!!!!oh noooo!!!!!paper yg aku mmg xleh jwb ritu!!!!wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~

aku trase cm i'm one of da 2 person laa...tah baby slamat dh..lcturer ckp dy mmg lulus..ermm..congratz to u, u have to pray 4 me lak k..korg pn tlg2 la doakn aku yer..jgn la aku trgolong dlm 2 org yg fail tuh..=(


i just got a new shampoo n facial cleanser for nk mnja2 kn diri cket..actually, ni kira cam kperluan gak laa..coz shampoo n facial cleanser yg aku guna sblm ni cam x kne ngn rmbut n kulit aku..s0, i decided to change both..aftr wat cket research kat poyo je kn..heheh..n also dptkn pndgn from my mom n friends yg mngalami mslh kguguran rmbut cam aku ni..i decided tuk beli shampoo ni...


most of my friends dh stat guna produk ni..n all of them kata produk ni sgt bgs n brksan..s0, aku decided tuk cuba gak even though price nye agk set cam dlm pic kat ats tu sj dh demi rmbut ku yg trsyg..trpksa la korbnkn sdikit wang poketku ini..huhuh..hopefully this bawang will not disappoint me yeahhh...

n 1 more thing yg aku nk tnjuk is my new facial cleanser..be4 this aku guna pond..hurmm..agk lama la guna produk tu..almost 4 yrs rsnye..mula2 guna rs cm ok..but lm2 rs cm dh x kne ngn skin aku dh mula cpat kering..kulit slalu mngelupas..s0, aku wat research cket kt tenet psl produk yg ssuai tuk dry skin..n what i got is this...


i decided to buy this one bcoz i found an article in the internet about facial skin care..n de satu info yg sgt pnting aku dpt from that is stated in da article..tuk ppl yg de dry skin prob ni..da most suitable face wash is da one that contain aloe vera..coz it will leave ur skin soft..kulit x kn kering,,thats y aku beli yg ni..main ingredient nye pn aloe vera..bru cuba skali..but trase cm dh soft je kulit sy...(ye2 je trus nk de effect kn..heheh)..but, i think this is the best choice for me!!tuk u guys yg de dry skin prob..aku suggest korg cuba la produk ni...hurm..price nye yg asl aku x psti..coz aku bli kat watson n time beli tu de 15% off..dpt hrga RM22.85..mmg agk mhl cket laa..but i think da price is worth it..heheh..

hurmm..k la...thats all for today..daaaa~~~


hurm..msti u all pelik kn nape tetiba arini nk cte psl fmly angkt my ma angkt call..actually fmly angkt ni aku dpt ms program Bina Insan Guru..dlm bln 6 ritu rsnye..after abis progrm ank angkt tu..mmg aku jrg blk sn dh..skali je..tu pn g rmai2..aftr that mmg x gi lngsg dh..msti korg kata aku ni ank x knang budi kn..aku rs dyorg pn rs cmtu gak..huhuh..

n ble my ma call td..mmg trgagap la sore sy..huhuh..srba slh..n rs bslh..dy tnya dh lupa ke org kat sn..soriiii sesgt ma..bkn sy lupa fmly sn..just sy sgan laa..ntah laa..aku bkn jnis yg pramah sgt..even ble gi sn aku xtau pn nk smbg pe ngn dyorg..dh la yg sm2 jd ank angkt ngn aku k.hana sorg je..dy pn cm mls je nk blk sn..s0,aku mkin sgan laa..coz xde org tman..

my ma de gak wat bbrpa statement yg agk pdas tuk aku..huhuh..

"org kat cni tringin nk rs kuih org x blk2 pn..msti dh lupa org kat cni kn.."
"x tnya khabar kite lngsg..dh lupa ke.."

hadoiiii...mmg aku cuma mmpu ktawa je la sgtttttt brslh...soriiiiiiiiii my kg. dendang fmly..seriously..korg mmg fmly yg baik..cuma aku x pndi hrgai fmly angkt aku..hurmmm...i'll try to visit korg nxt yr ok..hopefully jd laa..heeheh..erm,k laa..thats all for today..daaa~~~


hadoiiii..after i woke up just now..trus bukak my fb..then i read sum msg in my inbox..from our mr. YDP laa..amar sauti..he said that our result will be announced in 2 weeks time..huhhhh...

its like a nightmare for wait for da result..this semester had been da toughest one for me act..all da things i did..sume nye messed up..xde yg mnjadi..even my assignmnts were all like hancusss..i dunnno y..but everything i did this sem just didnt go very well..hurmmm..

as for the final exm..i just have a bad feelng bout my result..coz i noe i didnt do well..esp for da killer paper CALCULUS...i didnt even finish answering all head just went blank..all of the ques really looked unfamiliar to me..n even da easiest one..i got it wrong!!!!thats y i said everythng was not going well for me!!!huhhh..

but the thing that maked me felt really hurt was when nobody trust wat i said..when i told them that i cant answred the ques..they all just like laughing to me..they said im just being POYO,DRAMA QUEEN n watsoever!!!!heyyy!!!!!!plsssss laaa...i noe where my limit is..i just wanna share my feelng with u guys..but is this how u guys treat me back??????im not a "HIPOKARAT" like that sum1..when i said i cant do meant i really CANT DO IT!!!cant u guys just comfort me back??y must all of u said those hurtful words to me?? dh lari tjuk lak ni..title for this post is result..but i just mrepek bout sumting else rite??huhhu..sorii coz u guys need to read all of this karut marut..huhuh..ok3..back to the topic..s0,i hope u guys will pray for my success...i noe u will rite???hehe..ermm..i will inform u guys bout my results when they y out later k..huishhh..brdebar2 ni...k laa guys..thats all for today k..^_^


its really hurt when ppls still see u as a child when u r actually grown up enough n even could be sumbody wife already...(berangan je lbey..heheh) tired of being told things that i shud or shud not do..this is my life..y shud other ppls told what's da right thing for me..i noe that im not mature enough n always doesn't act like my age..but..who cares???!!!!

this is my life..let me arrange my own life..n i will take da consequences myself..i wont drag all of u into my probs,dun have to bother to think bout my life k???i noe that u r just concern bout my future..but,plss...let me lead my life in my own ways..its not that im not being grateful of ur love n concerns..its just sumtimes i feel burdened by da ovrload of da concerns u gave to me.. me n give me the freedom to shape my life..dont treat me like a child anymore~~~


LOVE..what is love????

why does love can change so many things???

why do ppls cry bcoz of love???

why do ppls be angry bcoz of love???

why do ppls change bcoz of love???



akademi fantasia 8..hurmm~~~
like we all noe..skrg dh stat blk af musim bru..
actually..aku ni xde la die hard fan sgt af ni..
tp tgk gak laa..but stat dr af4 smpi 7 nih..mmg satu pn x mnarik ati aku..
rs cam hampeh je sume..just my personal opinion k..
just stacy la yg aku rs agk gempak pon..
so,ms tirai af aritu..aku pn sj2 la bukak..sbb xde cite yg bes time tuh..huhuh
tgk la kut2 de yg bleh jd next stacy kn..
n wat suprising me..there's a person yg tlah attract me!!!or lbey tepat lg mybe wat aku jatuh cinta!!!hahaha..trlbey suda..sbnr nye..wat i want to say here..
aku udah angau = crazy sama suara dy maaa!!!
tp nk kata smpi dmm tu xde laa..shat je lg aku rs..hehehe
korg msti ngah trtnya2 sape org yg brtuah tu kn..yg dh dpt mnangkp ati aku..,here he is!!!

Nama Penuh: Emirza Azwan B. Zulazrin Chew

Tarikh Lahir: 21 April 1990

Tempat Lahir: Hospital Besar, Seremban

Umur : 20 tahun

Jantina: Lelaki

Bangsa : Melayu

Agama: Islam

Tinggi : 170cm Berat : 55kg

Status Perkahwinan: Bujang

Pekerjaan: Menganggur

Pendidikan Tertinggi: SPM

Adik Beradik: 4 orang (kedua)

Hobi: Menyanyi, berjalan bersama kawan, makan.

Gambar Peribadi: Pemalu, ceria dan kadang kala agak membosankan bila dalam masalah.

amacam????comey x???hahaha..
klau nk ikot..muka dy pon de ciri2 laki idaman aku..
hahaha..poyo klau tgk pd bf aku..
mmg laen bebenor laa..hehehe..
but..serious..his voice is really unique!!!
bak kat org jiwg..bleh mmbuai perasaan laa..hehe
x sabar tol nk tgk performance dy this week.. =)
so..aku end post aku ni ngn performance dy ms tirai aritu..
as a prove laa..nnt korg x caya lak pe yg aku dok ckp psl dy ni..
korg dgr n judge la sndri kalo x ske gak lantak korg laa..
yg penting..i like!!!! =P


hurmm..agk lma x update my blog ni kn..
dh kata dh..msti awl2 je smgt..skrg dh stat mls..haha
s0,ble dh lma x update..byk ler story i nk share ngn u all..
actually,last week..aku g SBE(school based experience) kat SK KEPALA BATAS..
mmg ni la SBE yg aku rs plg dasat..huhu
mn x nye..students nye..aduhh..smpi x tau la cmna ceq nk dscribe..huhu
kbetulan..time ktorg SBE kat ctu,rmai lak tchers yg xde..s0,pe lg..
jd bidan trjun la ktorg..msok klas..x ngajo pn..just wat assgnmnts ktorg..
yg xleh thn la dak2 ni yg bleh lak serang aku..tarik2 bju ngn tdung aku..

"ckgu..cntik la tudung ckgu!!!"
"ckgu,nk tgk nametag!!"
" hobi ckgu??"

ni la antara soaln n kata2 yg dituju kat aku...nek poning den nk mlayan nye..
pastu yg plg xleh blah nye..ble nk kuar klas jer..
mula laa..berpusu2 dtg bwk pen ngn krtas..

"ckgu..nk no fon!!!"
"ckgu,nk sign ckgu!!!"
"ckgu..ckgu de facebook x???"

wahhh..korg bygkn la..kcik2 dh pndai men fb,dh de enfon sndri..huhhh..
dasat tol dak2 zmn skrg kn..huhuhu
zmn kte dlu..jgn kata enpon..comp pn blom tntu ade kat umah..
jeleshh tol aku ngn dak2 skrg..

n 1 more thing yg plg bes ms kat sn..
ktorg dh disuruh mnjadi penceramah motivasi "x brtauliah" kat sna!!!
hahaha..ada pcaya???aku sndri pn x caya aku dh bg motivasi kat org..heheh
mmg lwk laa..cube korg imagine..w/out any preparation..ktorg kne bg motvasi kat cndidates UPSR skul tuh..huhh..agk mnggelabah aym gak la aku..huhuhu
but still..SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH..everything went smoothly..
even de gak sikit2 la prob..but we still managed to handle them..

lastly,thanks to all the teachers n students yg bg krjasama pd ktorg spnjg ktorg kat sna..
really appreciate da cooperation yg u guys gave to us..
hope we can meet again in da future..
i love SK KEPALA BATAS!!! (^_-)


erm..tension 100X!!!!
pe la mslhnye elaun ktorg x msuk2 lg nih..
pokai gler dh aku skrg..mkn pn kais pg kais ptg dh ni..huhuh
lm2 bleh tggl tulang nih..walopn sbnrnye impossible tuh..hahah
plzzz laaa..wahai pngurus2 elaun ktorg..usahakn la supaya elaun ktorg msuk cpat..
jiwa trseksa glerr dh ni..huhhu


hurmm...mentang2 la baru bukak blog..dlm shari smpi 2 post aku ltak..hahah..
bese la kn..awl2 mmg smgt..nnt dh lma2 msti aku mls nk update dh..tmbh2 klau dh busy..

ok laa..blk pd tjuk post kali nih..aku sbnr nye skrg tgh angau ngn C.N Blue!!!!lbey2 lg ngn leader nye..JUNG YONG HWA aka KANG SHIN WOO in YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL....heheh..hensem bangat wehhh..dy nye drummer pon cute bangat..MIN HYUK oppa..SARANGHAE!!!

oopppss...lupa lak nk gtau sape C.N. Blue ni..kalo yg x lyn K-Pop cam aku nih msti dok blurrr smcm je ble dgr nm tuh kn,..actually,CN Blue ni nm band yg bru debut kat korea..waalllaaawehhh..mmg malatop abiss la band nih..lagu diorg pon mmg superbb laa..smpi bleh wat aku addicted..heheh..bygkn laa..dlm sminggu after debut je..dyorg dh dpt fans almpst 20 000!!!!n im one if them..hahah..

so,aku nk share la ngn korg lagu band ni..kompem korang pn bleh addicted gak cam aku pas dgr lagu nih..heheh..tjuk nye "I'm a Loner"...layannnn~~~ (FYI,lagu ni kne tduh diciplak dr grup indie kat korea..pd aku..x ksah la ciplak ke x..yg pnting band ni mmg kasik la lagu apa pn..kompem gegar la!!!..heheh)

P/S : adehhh..xleh la plak nk post vdeo nye kat cni..tenet lmbap nk mampusss...s0,aku kasik link je la yer..korg cr sndri ehh..hahah..


syukur pd tuhan..termakbul jugak la impian aku nk wat blog sndiri..be4 dis aku asyk tgk blog mmber2 jeles lak..tu yg nk gak bukak blog least,aku de tmpat nk luahkan prasaan aku..things yg aku x leh nk share scr trangn..aku bleh share kat cni..coz not everything kte bleh luahkn ngn kata2..kdg2 tulisn tu dpt gmbrkn feelings kte ngn lbey jelas..huhuhu..

like 2day..aku bgn agk lewat..kul 11pg(walopn slalunye mmg time cmni aku bgn..huhu)..after bgn je aku dh rs moody smcm..trase ngn a few prsons..even kalo nk dipikir scr logiknya..diorg xde wat slh ngn aku pn..aku rs aku je yg emo lbey..tah tjuk blog aku ni gak..aku rs aku dh mcm bukan diri aku sndri..aku x leh nk cntrol my mind n being over sensitive..n i noe i shud try to stop all these feelings..they didnt do anything wrong to me..y shud i feel offended????such a ridiculuos person am i rite??huhuhu..

to those really sorry..thanks 4 always be by my side eventhough prangai aku ni agk annoying..i noe u guys are very go0d buddies..cuma aku je yg x pndai appreciate korg..SORRY n THANKS 4 everythings FRIENDS~~~

About Me

My photo
Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
just an ordinary person..who love ALLAH,RASULLULLAH,ABAH,MAMA,MY FAMILY,MY TRUE FRIENDS, n last but not least..MY BABY~~ (^_-)


my beloved family..^_^

my beloved family..^_^
luv my fmly till the end of my life...

my honey bee..^_^

my honey bee..^_^
together forever...insyaAllah..


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

my cayunkness..^_^

my cayunkness..^_^
kekasih gelapku...=P

About this blog

its all bout my life..this bloggie is the only place i can be true and honest to myself and u guys too..

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